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Planetary Health

Health and oncology topics in climate change, environmentalism, sustainability, global warming, carbon footprint, and pollution.

BC Cancer Planetary Health Unit logo

The BC Cancer Planetary Health Unit is a BC Cancer clinician-led initiative to provide education and resources to engage and inspire clinicians to help establish low waste, low carbon health care throughout BC Cancer. We will work to promote new initiatives and support climate resilient sustainable health systems through knowledge-mobilization and networking.  (POD article Nov 2022)

This Guide pulls together tools and information to support this initiative and others addressing climate change and its impacts.

Planetary Health Unit Members

If you are on this working group,  access the Teamsite for documents such as meeting agendas. This teamsite will ask you to log in even on network. If you have trouble accessing, please contact Anita Chow.

BC Cancer Planetary Health Unit TEAMSITE link (for members)

Health Authorities Climate Resources

BC Climate Resources

Right Now

Jump: 6 strategies

David Suzuki, in a talk on May 2, 2022 to BC Cancer Rounds, mentioned the six pledges you can take to make a difference. 

Here is the link to Take the Jump

  1. End Clutter - keep products for 7 yrs
  2. Travel Fresh - end personal vehicles
  3. Eat Green - a plant-based diet
  4. Dress Retro - 3 clothing purchases/yr
  5. Holiday Local - fly only once / 3 yrs
  6. Change the System - keep nudging your life

Get Involved

Cycle With Colleagues

THEME: Encouraging staff who are new to commuting by bike, through the support of experienced peers who can offer advice, inspiration, and community.  

FOCUS: Go By Bike Week : Spring 2024 will be Jun 3 to 9th. 

ACTION: Start asking your coworkers about active commuting. If you've never biked to work, perhaps a colleague can help get you started. If you are a long time cyclist, offer your experience to new team members.  Maybe you aren't able to commute by bike, but you can encourage colleagues and let them know that their choice to bike benefits everyone.

READ MORE at the links below

SusQI Idea Card for BC Cancer

BC Cancer Planetary Health Unit (BCCPHU) is supporting BC Cancer staff in conducting quality improvement projects with environmental and social impact (

The BCCPHU will provide resources (financial and human resources) to help project leads complete the work. Each quarter, the Planetary Health Unit will review submissions and will support up to three projects per quarter. Each project submission should include a clinical and a manager/ administrative lead, as well as proposed budget. The BCCPHU will assist with project and budget planning where appropriate.  The project lead is expected to report the project progress and results at the request of the BCCPHU.

We welcome all ideas! If you are interested, please complete the SusQI card here and send it to

GreenCare Network (BC health authorities):

individual healthcare staff can volunteer as Green+Leaders to organize local and regional initiatives.

Professional Conferences: Ask your professional organizations and clinical conference organizers to make virtual conferences the primary option, to reduce air travel demand. 

New PubMed Articles: Climate & Oncology

On Climate Change & Oncology (healthcare)

From Medline PubMed.  Sign up with the Library to receive biweekly emails.

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 The BC Cancer library system consists of a central library at Vancouver Centre (VC), and branches in Abbotsford (AC), Kelowna (SAHCSI), Prince George (CN), Surrey (FVC), and Victoria (VIC). All centres have patient resource collections in our Cancer Information Centres (CIC), and all centres have a professional collection on site. Professional resources for CN are housed in the adjacent UHNBC Library.