Visit your local BC Cancer Library or go to to see the complete library catalogue. See Breast Cancer Books for more books about breast cancer. Most library materials can be mailed anywhere in B.C. or Yukon.
Patients and the public of B.C. and Yukon can access these online books by calling 1.888.675.8001 x 7000 (toll-free) to get a username and password from the Library. See Breast Cancer E-books for more e-books about breast cancer.
These websites have been reviewed and approved by the BC Cancer librarians. See the "Looking for More?" tab above to find more recommended websites.
This is a list of support programs offered by community organizations and BC Cancer. You can find more support programs offered at each BC Cancer centre and in the community on the BC Cancer website.
See our Financial Assistance webpage for information about programs to help with the costs of wigs, prostheses, and other supplies.
The Canadian Cancer Society community services locator is a directory that helps cancer patients, survivors, family and caregivers find the services they need.
Advanced or metastatic breast cancer
After breast cancer
Resources found in these Pathfinders have been chosen and evaluated by BC Cancer librarians with input from other BC Cancer staff members. Suggestions for additional resources for inclusion are welcome; however, the Library reserves the final right to decide which websites and resources will be included. See our Inclusion/removal policy.
Resources are reviewed on a regular basis, however, the Library cannot guarantee the function, accuracy, or currency of the websites and the information contained within them.