Print genetics and hereditary cancer pathfinder
Patients and the public of B.C. and Yukon can access these online books by calling 1.888.675.8001 x 7000 (toll-free) to get a username and password from the Library.
These websites have been reviewed and approved by the BC Cancer librarians. See the "Looking for More?" tab above to find more recommended websites.
Hereditary Cancer (BC Cancer)This website provides information about the hereditary cancer program in BC, including what hereditary cancer is, facts and myths about hereditary cancer, and how referrals to the program can be made.
Familial Gastrointestinal Cancer RegistryInformation about programs dedicated to the specialty care of families affected with rare forms of inherited colorectal cancer.
Support programs
This is a list of support programs offered by community organizations and BC Cancer. You can find more support programs offered at each BC Cancer centre and in the community on the BC Cancer website.
BC Cancer Patient & Family CounsellingAvailable to anyone in B.C. who has a cancer diagnosis, as well as those supporting them. Counselling available for individuals, couples, and families, either in-person or over the phone. Services are solution-focused and are limited to addressing challenges related to cancer.
BC Cancer Hereditary Cancer ProgramThe Hereditary Cancer Program provides genetic counselling and genetic testing for BC/Yukon residents who may have inherited an increased risk for specific types of cancer. To contact HCP, call the Vancouver office at 604.877.6000 local 672198, or the Abbotsford office at 604.851.4710 local 645236.
BRCA in BC Virtual Support (Inspire Health)Virtual peer support group and education sessions.
Resources found in these Pathfinders have been chosen and evaluated by BC Cancer librarians with input from other BC Cancer staff members. Suggestions for additional resources for inclusion are welcome; however, the Library reserves the final right to decide which websites and resources will be included. See our Inclusion/removal policy.
Resources are reviewed on a regular basis, however, the Library cannot guarantee the function, accuracy, or currency of the websites and the information contained within them.

The BC Cancer library system consists of a central library at Vancouver Centre, and branches in Abbotsford, Kelowna, Prince George, and Victoria where both patient and professional collections are available on site. Librarian staff are available at all centres, including Surrey.