Print coping with grief and loss pathfinder
Books for children, teens and parents
Patients and the public of B.C. and Yukon can access these online books by calling 1.888.675.8001 x 7000 (toll-free) to get a username and password from the Library.
These websites have been reviewed and approved by the BC Cancer librarians. See the "Looking for More?" tab above to find more recommended websites.
For websites to help children and teens cope with cancer in the family, see our Helping Children and Teens Cope When a Family Member Has Cancer pathfinder. can help you understand grief and work through some of the difficult issues you may be facing. There are nine sections to choose from; each includes text and video clips. You may wish to review certain topics only or you may prefer to work through the entire content section by section. is free to Canadian users. If you are not in Canada, there is a fee of $25 USD.
Activity books for children
Support programs
This is a list of support programs offered by community organizations and BC Cancer. You can find more support programs offered at each BC Cancer centre and in the community on the BC Cancer website.
Community services, seniors support services and hospices in your community often have bereavement services. Search online for programs in your area.
BC Cancer Patient & Family CounsellingAvailable to anyone in B.C. who has a cancer diagnosis, as well as those supporting them. Counselling available for individuals, couples, and families, either in-person or over the phone. Services are solution-focused and are limited to addressing challenges related to cancer.
BC Bereavement HelplineConnects you to grief support services within the province of B.C. and provides resources to help you cope with grief. Call toll-free 1-877-779-2223.
Compassionate Friends of CanadaOffers support in the grief and trauma which follows the death of a child, no matter the age or cause. See website for chapters in B.C.
Lower Mainland Grief Recovery SocietyOffers fee-based programs to people in the lower mainland.
Lumara Grief & Bereavement Care SocietyTo provide education, support, and counselling services to individuals, families and groups who are grieving the death of a loved one or coping with a life-threatening illness.
Vancouver Hospice SocietyOffer individual and family counselling, a bereavement walking group and bereavement support groups. Includes bereavement counselling services for children whose parents have died. Children and their families have access to up to 6 free bereavement counselling sessions per family member. Call 604-737-7305 for information.
Victoria Hospice Bereavement ServicesOffer virtual support, in-person counselling, and bereavement support groups, including drop-in and journal groups. Call 250-519-3040 for details and support.
Community services locator
The Canadian Cancer Society community services locator is a directory that helps cancer patients, survivors, family and caregivers find the services they need.

The BC Cancer library system consists of a central library at Vancouver Centre, and branches in Abbotsford, Kelowna, Prince George, and Victoria where both patient and professional collections are available on site. Librarian staff are available at all centres, including Surrey.